Here's a little note I gave Kylar a week or 2 ago

I made it up myself, I was gigling the whole time, he didn't think I was serious...I am!

So, to celebrate the news, I'm gonna do a little
Tell me your name, city, state, how many kids you have, or grand kids, or nieces, nephews, or dogs. You don't need to tell me all of those, just pick one!
so for instance,
Angie Davy
Hydesville, Ca
one little boy (16 months) and one on the way
when we get close to ultrasound time, we'll do another one for girl or boy guesses.
so what will you win? Mmmmm, a honeybun, or jellyroll, or layer cake.
Drawing will be June 9th.
edit: to be clear...I am pregnant and the ultrasound will be in September. this was how i broke the news to daddy